About Us


The mission of the Suicide Prevention Partnership:
To unite the community in addressing suicide in the Pikes Peak Region through education, intervention, and postvention.


To reduce suicide in the Pikes Peak Region.

"There are far, far better things ahead than anything we leave behind."
-CS Lewis

Our History

Founded in 1993 as The Suicide Prevention Partnership- Peak Region, we have been at the forefront of the fight against death by suicide. From housing the suicide hotline to providing free community trainings, this organization has worked to fill in the gaps across our community in the name of suicide prevention. One of our founders, LaRita Archibald (also the founder of Heartbeat SAS), has authored several books and served on national councils to help inform suicide prevention across our country.

In recent years, re-branded as Suicide Prevention Partnership (SPP) (formerly known as Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership- PPSPP) we have created a service menu that bridges gaps in our community, increases access to support services, and provides education and awareness to increase the knowledge our general public has about suicide prevention. You will find us at any table where suicide prevention work is being done as we serve as a local leader in collaborative effort such as work being done by The Suicide Prevention Collaborative of El Paso County.

Across the years, we have been dedicated to providing FREE services to our community which is empowered through the generosity of our community, grants and fundraising events.